Real-80 Pro - Real-Time Videogenie-I / HT1080Z Emulator
Pictures in the documentation can be enlarged!
System requirements
P200-MMX or faster CPU, Windows operating system
(98, ME, 2000, XP).
v2.5 - Faster display emulation without DirectX, now run on P200-MMX CPU at
50 FPS
Starting the first time
When starting the emulator the first time, it will
run according to the default settings:
The tape recorder
The tape recorder emulation works in real-time mode. This means, that independent of the file format, but there are some conditions: the tape writing always starts with 255 pieces 00h character. This way when reading it’s easier to find the beginning of the file, as well as the sign pitch. Actually there is also another reason for this; because of the write/read mode it must read at least 8 pcs of 0 bits continuously, before the data. The file on the start does not need to contain 255 pcs 00h character, 2 pcs are enough but it can also be more.
The file extension can be ASM, BAS or CAS. This way not every file includes the data, so the emulator supports some frequent file formats:
Inserting/removing a tape
Click with the left button to cassette picture or
select the File -> Cassette -> Insert menu item for insert.
Remove: right button on cassette or File -> Cassette -> Remove item.
Rewinding the tape: click to the REW (left key on the tape)
Only the ASM, BAS and CAS file types will be supported.
With auto start, machine code and basic programs can load faster. This function can load CAS, CMD and BAS file formats.
Inserting/removing a disk
Same as the tape insert, only now choose any of the DISK picture (0-3 up to down) or select the File -> Disk menu.
The system can only boot from DISK 0, here we place the system disk. If the DISK 0 is empty the emulator will turn off disk emulation and the system will start in Basic after reset.
The emulator supports the most common DSK formats up to 80 Track.
Text file input as keyboard
With File -> Text input menu item can you enter a text file as keyboard input.
The emulator includes a built-in virtual printer. To open select Printer -> Output menu.
Graphic expansion boards
Supported graphic extension boards:
Other functions
Options -> Layout menu: select the Hungarian or English
Options -> Monitor menu to adjust color, contrast, brightness and scan lines
Selectable more predefined skins: Solid, Amber, Green monitors, B/W TV.
Screen snapshot
Press F8 to save sreen into BMP or JPEG file.
The built-in Debugger
The emulator includes a built-in debugger, which can be reached through the F1 key or from CPU menu.
Debugger windows:
Assembler list
When stepping into the debugger the assembler list
cursor will step into the actual PC value. Sometimes the cursor is not visible,
since the programmer used such kind of tricks that one command operates
another and this way the program will jump there. The debugger can also
search backwards and displays the commands exactly.
F7 Trace Into - execute a command
F8 Step Over - execute a command, the CALL
and RST commands will be called
F4 Go To Cursor - run the program till it reaches
the cursor position
F9 Run - run the program with debugger screen
F6 Toggle Breakpoint - turn on/of the breakpoint
of the cursor position
ESC Exit from debugger (continue program).
Memory dump
The memory will display 256 bytes in hexadecimal and ASCII format and also serves for editing the writable memory zone. Move the cursor with the up/down keys, move the pages with the PgUp/PgDn keys. Change the cursor address with the Enter key.
The CPU registers can be changed, except the PC, which can be changed only from the assembler list with the F10 key. The green color of the register values shows that they have changed since the last stop, or have been changed manually.
The flags can be changed. If the flag value is 1 its name will be displayed in red, this way you can keep track of it more easily. The flag value is green, if it has changed since the last stop, or has been changed.
Stack content
Shows the stack content, can not be changed. In case a change is necessary, this can be done via the memory dump.
Breakpoint list
Shows the breakpoint address. Go to address with left button, delete with right button.
Key summary
Key allocation (English)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 : - Left key
Break Q W E R T Y U I O P @
F G H J K L ;
Z X C V B N M , . / Up/Down/Left/Right
Home - Clear
End - Break
Enter - New Line
Program Property
1. The program is the property of Zoltán Kollár.
2. The program can be used, copied and distributed by everyone.
3. The program is free, this way no fee may be asked for it by anyone.
4. The program can solely be altered by the author.
Special thanks to István Majzik (original photos and many tests), Attila
Grósz and Csaba Márkus.
Comments or ideas can be sent to
(Zoltán Kollár)